Sunday, August 9, 2015


Hi There,
Thanks for taking time to stop by and take a look at our blog. My girls and I have decided to begin blogging our adventures in...
among other things. Miss Hannah is going to be eleven years old in a couple days and Miss Kayli is going to be thirteen this November. My age is a mystery even to me so it doesn't quite matter.
As we blog about our adventures I'm sure you will find that we are not perfect, make many mistakes, and quite frankly do things for the simple joy it brings and that is all. 
Let's side note for a moment...
My Dad was up visiting from his eight our drive (bless his heart) and during his visit I decided to make some pancakes. I cooked up the bacon first (don't add bacon to pancake batter this is just what we eat on the side for those who don't know) then added it to a 250 degree oven to stay warm. Anyhow, I added a couple handfuls of pancake mix, a few eggs Miss Kayli grabbed out of the coup, a cup of milk, a little bit of vanilla and started mixing.  Now, my brain was in other places as it often is during the ingredient adding, mixing and cooking process...however as I started to pour that batter I focused my attention on what I was doing, thought it would be a good idea by now.
It was runnier than normal...what the heck did I do wrong this time...
When, all was said and done we had crepes not pancakes and they were still good. But as I mentioned before our home is a home of mistakes and I truly believe we learn more from our mistakes than we do from doing it right the first time.

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